Karen Mack

Florida, USA | Mixed Media

Artist Statement

I can’t NOT create. “Creating” is oxygen to my body and spirit. My mind has a mind of its own dedicated to creating. It conspires with my soul to present a flow of ideas I am compelled to investigate.

I continually seek new ideas for working with copper, building materials, paint, clay, plaster and chemicals. Many times it is years after I try a process that I find a use for it in a piece.

The pull of the ocean is as strong as the need to create. Coastal themes were dominate in my work until the pandemic presented a fork in the road. I took that fork and it lead to more nature inspired art which I am enjoying.

Photography was always a treat and I loved finding that capture of time that had the emotional “hook” I try to hide in all of my art.



Artist Bio

Karen was born in Tallahassee and never strayed far from the South. Beaches and coastal areas have fed her creative energy from a child through today.

Karen showcased her creative talents in Karen Mack Tiles with custom mosaics, tiles and classes. Karen Mack Tiles exhibited in multiple international trade shows through “Coverings”. After 10 years, Karen closed her shop, and retired from mosaics completely after 18 years of creating. Karen Mack’s mosaics were easily recognizable.

She began learning unique processes for metal, resin, concrete, wood, paper, photography, fiber and chemicals. These processes produced unique items that work their way into her mixed media pieces.

Karen’s love of the coast was predominate in her art until the pandemic when all shows were cancelled (full inventory) and when her need to “create” had to be filled. She turned to Nature’s gifts to create “Mother Nature” personas on canvas. She also created Ornamented Photography by enlarging her photos and ornamenting them on a canvas.

Karen strives for and achieves an emotional hook in her work that makes the viewer feel something, making her pieces have that “Karen Mack signature look”.
