Artist Statement
Now for something completely beautiful – Whispers of the human condition. Steve Fitz is an artist you might call enigmatic. An environmentalist and activist who wants to add some beauty to the world. As an artist, you explore different styles to find out what you are most comfortable with and in the process, develop some skill.
Photography sparked my creativity and I developed my art from there. This evolved into servicing the top end of the Sydney advertising industry in the area of photo composite, retouching and darkroom special effects before computers or photoshop. 10,000 hours in the darkroom creating magic from an art directors imagination. Production managers expected picture perfect, with the mind set that consumers like to associate with perfection. So over 20 years last century picture perfect was in-grained into me. It’s where I come from.
With my current series of art I produce a digital montage, using all my previous image creation skills, and use that as a template for brush work reminiscent of the renaissance masters to create startling realism. I love this new style, it’s me. I have gone full circle from picture perfect to painterly and abstract then back to picture perfect. And once again have found my place and it’s paradoxical different.
In the 19th century, around the time of the advent of photography, picture perfect was still the norm and impressionists where the rebels. I’ve turned that on its head. My startling realism rebels against the now norm and the painterly status quo which suits my rebellious nature, in a subtle and unpretentious way.
The paintings I have selected are from my Rococo Punk series and could be interpreted as a playful and fanciful version of Rococo art, with a focus on lightness, elegance, and curvaceous lines. The theme of this series incorporates sophisticated punk with black and white striped doll like consumes in mystical woodland settings. If you are after something startling and different then this is it. These are rare individually named attention grabbing collector items and look great in any formal setting.